This was my first safari in Corbett. We entered through the Bijrani Gate. The interesting thing about a safari is that many people tell you upfront that the chances of sighting a tiger is very slim. But at each visit you feel that you may be the lucky one. Chances are that you will not be. But it is still thrilling...
The forest is dense and you travel on noisy jeeps on frequently used paths. That further decreases the chances of sightings...
A barasingha looks on as we cross by...
Pug marks of a tiger, supposedly....
A few more hopefuls. Typically the people standing are the most enthusiastic before the trip and the most disappointed after an unfruitful one...
A male spotted deer feasts on the green foliage.....
A scuttling spotted dear clicked from a fast moving jeep...
A group of deer grazing...
A family of langurs on the branches of a huge tree...
The sun setting behind the dried up bed of Ramganga river...