It was a sight to see. Hundreds of boats were lined up on both the sides of pier 39. They presented an asymmetrical symmetry, if you know what I am trying to say. The colors were usually white and blue with a rare red or green here and there. I don't know whether different colors mean different companies.
The boats stood in parallel rows with their sails down. A sail is used for propulsion in mostly yachts that are used for recreation. Professionally, other propulsion devices have replaced sails.
Most of these boats were yachts used for fun rides around pier 39. When these are parked, the sails have to be rolled down for obvious reasons :-).

Some boats were bigger and more colorful. These are probably used for cruises around Alcatraz.
There was a picturesque lighthouse quietly standing at a corner. If I am not mistaken, this was near the area known as Fisherman's wharf famous for its sea food as you can probably guess.
A panoramic view of the light house against the hills and the vibrant sky during the dusk (Around 9:15 PM).