Recently I got a chance to attend QAI STC 2010 at Banglore and they had arranged dinner for first night.. During dinner time, there were few games and some dance performances by extremely talented people... I think the dance form they presented was "Tha", but not sure... anyway that doesn't matter in my opinion :) .. I loved their dance and amazed by their energy level... Please have a look at the photographs to have a feel of the environment there...
Here is a gentleman performing some slow steps in the beginning of the dance and a sweet lady in the bottom who was always smiling during her performance...
Note that conference happened in Chancery Pavilion Hotel of Banglore...
Here comes some moments when everybody started clapping and it was never-ending... It was really difficult to capture the real actions of these performers in low light inside the conference hall... In real sense, I failed to capture the real action there and the photographs here are just for giving a sense of kind of dance performances we saw :)
Note that dance performance is really happening in STC 2010 :-)
Check out more details of this conference in the back of dance performers... although important part is dance :)
It was 10th STC Conference by QAI India...
This was a group of 5 people : 2 girls and 3 boys, all having great energy and passion about dance... This was starting of their second performance...
Here is a part of dance form when all of them moves on the ground/platform to create various shapes... Although I was not able to identify exactly but many of the dance appreciators were there....
Smiling dance performer, enjoying each step of her dance @ QAI STC 2010
Flying performers @ QAI STC 2010... I was not expecting these kind of activities at STC, but I really enjoyed the dinner with 2 Hr bar...
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I also attended the conference..They were the most wonderful 2 days of my life...full of knowledge and wisdom.
Wonderful days
Thanks for visiting this blog..
No doubt it was a good experience...
+ VJ