Recently India Art Summit 2011 was happening in Pragati Maidaan of Delhi and some of my friends planned to have a visit on weekend to explore what all happens in this summit.. Finally we went there on saturday(22nd Jan 2011) and reached at Pragati Maidaan Metro at 11:40 am... After reaching at the entry gate, we saw a huge line and the end was not even visible to us.. The line was for entry and there was another smaller version for getting tickets... Finally I also reached the counter and asked for three tickets and the person managing that counter asked for 600 rs... I realized that I am short of money and asked one of friend to give 300 rs.. After getting tickets, we also followed the queue and entered into the hall where ART SUMMIT was going... Here are few photographs I could click inside the summit area... Check out !!!
Here is a metal art showcased by one of the French artist !!! Are you able to see the art? Its the one is main focus, please see the bottom part of this photograph ;) A gold plated spherical structure surrounded by multi-layered shapes which are made up of brass.... There were some other interesting art works showcased here... I have lot of photographs of these metal artworks and will try to share more in future....
There were lot of artists and visitors from various parts of the world... Here is a lady waiting for other friends to come and go inside to see the fabulous work by different artists !!! I clicked this photograph very quickly with some zoom and wanted to have another photograph of her baby but couldn't :(
She caught me... She was standing inside the Art Summit hall and was talking to someone... I wanted to have her side face with some of the paintings hanging on the right wall... Suddenly she turned and I was not able to compose a good shot... Still I acted like I am shooting something else and after having 2-3 shots moved ahead...
India Art Summit is very famous among the high class society of Delhi and many celebrities come here to see the wonderful work & buy something for them....
There were lot of metal arts in INDIA ART SUMMIT and man of them were from other parts of the world... When we just entered into the main hall & started looking at the arts, we were not very impressed and one of friend even thought of becoming an artist because he thought it's easier that Software Development :) As we spent more time and talked to various people around, we got to know that how much hard work and thoughts go in creating a single art...
Here is an artwork with a face having lots of other elements and a hidden face... A lady standing there was explaining about this art and there were lot many folks listening... We were not able to make out much out of that talk and thought of moving ahead... but this one was one of the popular artwork in the summit (A general guess by looking at the crowd, because in Delhi wherever you see crowd is known as a popular place, especially any eating place...)
I liked these hanging lamps... I went to my childhood when I saw these first time at my Grand Parent's place and after that I couldn't find them anywhere... There was a huge Art project based on lighting and these lamps hanging around..
Another Metal Art !!!
Don't know much about this particular artwork but looked like something made up of stone... but not sure, so no comments !! But I liked it !!! It was placed in the middle of a painting gallery...
This was an amazing work and this was the place where everyone was spending more time as compared to other stalls... We saw lot of mirror arts in ART SUMMIT and all of them were amazing... This was a mirror created of various triangular pieces... As you go closed to the mirror, the partition size seemed to decrease and moving backward it was increasing... By the reflection inside the mirror is mine with Camera...
Again the same art with few more elements in the photograph for better composition !!!
Here is the gang... I asked them to stand there to have a photograph as a proof that they visited ART SUMMIT... I was expecting them to click one of mine photograph as well but none of them offered :)
Mr Ankit Sood on the left - A student of Delhi College of ART, Deepak Gupta - who is going have long hairs soon and planning to exhibit his artwork soon... Anchita Dogra will support Deepak in the beginning and will move on with her own choice of art soon !!!
After a good day at INDIA ART SUMMIT we went to Shri Ram Center to have lunch because it was very costly inside Pragati Maidaan :) btw Ankit took us there to have some silli potatoes and no one liked them :)
I am surprised that you have not used Lanterns :-). We seem to be lucky ones , even today they are actively used back home, no electricity. I had one here in Delhi as well :-). When we moved to current house, I guess we let it go. Smita didn;t want to carry it, its glass was broken as well. I would buy one, its a fab device.
@ Nandan - Yes Nandan, I have never used Lanterns and had not even heard of power-cuts before coming to Noida :-)
We all are waiting for Deepak's first artwork :)
I hv already gt lot of fans waiting for my artworks. Well, i m nt surprised.
I think its just the beginning. :P
@VJ,Anchita...we really had a grt time...:)
And these pics are really nice. After i hv seen these, i think my artworks stand no where. Specially i like d comments.... :)