A Marvelous dance performance by troop of lovely school children on Bihu songs @ Rogali Bihu Festival at Indira Gandhi National Center of Art (24th April, 2011)
Recently I witnessed Rogali Bihu Festival at Indira Gandhi National Center of Art which was organized Assam Organization, Delhi !!! among various Bihu performances, these children presented a shining dance performance with cute expressions at each step... Check Out !!!
Smallest girl in the troop and was leading one side of the sub-group on stage.. She was really enjoying dance with amazing expressions on her face and I assume expressions were changing as per the lyrics of the song !!! I am not sure because I could not understand Assamese...
While other performances were going on the stage, these kids were roaming around the stage and it seemed that limit of their wait has crossed !!!
Enthusiasm of all the kids was unmatchable and till the end they were like that only !!!
If I am not missing anything, there were only two boys surrounded by all the girls !!! During the end part, a boy dressed up as old man entered and performance finished after some conversations between the lead person on the stage and the old man !!!
These children look so pretty in Assamese sari's. This girl's smile reminds me of Vayjanthimala.
Cute group of School children performing Bihu dance in sync @ Rongali Bihu Festival in Delhi, INDIA !!
For such a sustained and consistent performance, these children would have had to go through several hours of practice. Kudos to them and their teachers for the achievement.
Somehow synchronization is always a challenge with child dancers but that adds to the innocense of it all.
Some steps were fairly complicated but the children were obviously enjoying themselves to the core.
It was all done with the intention of having fun as well as performing for an audience.
Saris were similar yet not the same. Some performers were obviously younger than the others. Yet age did not seem to make much difference to the quality of performances.
Expressions were mature and could very well have been used in a drama. I don't know what the song was saying but it was easy to make out the gist from the expressions of these dancers cum actors.
This seems to be a common step in this form of dance. Almost all performances included this.
Highly enthusiastic and energetic performance by children. They were the life of the party.
I hope these children keep performing and help in keeping the traditional dances alive. Preserving culture is very important. It is what gives each community its unique identity.
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@ Nandan - I am trying but would need your guidance!
@ Ilakshi - Do let me know which ones you need in high-res. btw, who is your Daughter here?