Last month when I was roaming around National School of Drama and Kamani to find out sources for getting tickets for Summer Theatre Festival, I saw a building with a huge poster outside about a Painting Exhibition... This building was on Ferozeshah Road and it was known as Lalit Kala Academy... Let's see what it is and how it looks...
I had heard a lot about Lalit Kala Academy through my friends and ... Now suddenly I figured out the location. When I was passing by the building, I had no time as my agenda was to get tickets for all the shows in Summer Theatre Festival and there were some fixed timings for getting the tickets...
After getting tickets and meeting some folks at National School of Drama, I came back to Lalit Kala Academy... It's just a 5 minutes walk from National School of Drama and 10 Mins walk from Mandi-House Metro station !!!
The Lalit Kala Akademi or National Academy of Arts is India's National Academy of Art. It was established at New Delhi in 1954 by Government of India to promote and propagate understanding of Indian art, both inside and outside the country. It does so through providing scholarships, a fellow program, and sponsoring and organizing numerous exhibitions in India and overseas. It is funded by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, and is an autonomous organization.
This area around Lalit Kala Academy, National School of Drama and Kamani is awesome... Green area and during may-june, these yellow flowers make it more beautiful...
Doordarshan Office is just opposite to Lalit Kala Academy and the day I visited Lalit Kala Academy, Vinod Dua was also roaming there with his friends !!!
Full view of Delhi Doordarshan Office and it's also visible form National School of Drama !!!
A painting exhibition was going on when I visited Lalit Kala Academy in New Delhi... This was first time, I was able to appreciate the paintings hanging on the walls of Lalit Kala Academy Halls.... Most of the times I have seen abstract paintings in IHC and other places, but could not relate to cost of those art-pieces... probably because, recently one of my friend has started telling me about the techniques used in Painting...
This was huge hall with full of Tagore Paintings and some metal art-pieces in the middle of this hall !!!
The Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Fine Art) is the premier fine art institution of the Government of India to promote, spread and develop Indian fine art culture. It is a non-profit, autonomous body, funded by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. In pursuance of its role, Lalit Kala Academy holds exhibitions, institutes scholarships, sponsorships, fellowships, assistance schemes, Lifetime Achievement Awards, and publishes documentary material. It also conducts Trienale India, and the National Exhibition of Photography and Art.
Some of the paintings were very lively and some had amazing 3D effect...
The Lalit Kala Akademi was inaugurated in New Delhi on August 5th, 1954, by the then Minister for Education, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The youngest of the three Akademies founded by the Government of India, the Lalit Kala Akademi was established in pursuance of the dream of the first Prime Minister of independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for a cultural and national identity. Thus the Lalit Kala Akademi as one among three such national organizations, that emerged. The Lalit Kala Academy was the principal establishment to direct its focus on activities in the field of visual arts.
It seems there are multiple exhibition halls in Lalit Kala Academy but it was under renovation during that day... So I was not able to explore it completely....
Wonderful path around the ferozshah road in front of Lalit Kala Academy... This connects Lalit Kala Academy with Kamani Auditorium !!!
Next to Lalit Kala Academy is Sangeet Natak Academy which was closed, I don't know why...
Maulana Abul Kalam had stated:“…The Akademi must work to preserve the glorious traditions of the past and enrich them by the work of our modern artists. It must also seek to improve standards and refine public taste...” ... And I hope it will continue to do so !!!
Check out more about Academy at