The proud moment has come again and all Indians should pledge about betterment of our country ! This is the day when all of us should give some time to think about our country and pledge about doing something right, which make our country better !!!
Vande Mataram !!! Tricolor of Indian Flag, which gives some sort of energy even at a quick glance. This photograph was shot during Anna's Anti-Corruption move and people around this flag were most energetic among the whole crowd !!!
15th August is a very proud day to celebrate our independence... All Indians must celebrate this day as we celebrate other festivals like Diwali, Eid, Christmas etc... I remember school days when we used to spend whole day in Schools, doing some activities like singing patriotic songs, playing different shows, dance performances and finally sweets distribution !!!
Tricolor looks amazing on India Gate !!!
Here is one request from my side to avoid corruption and don't bribe people to get your things done in short time. We all should move with Anna for Anti-Corruption in India !!!