With fun filled 8 days journey of MTB Himachal ended at Shimla Ridge on 8th October, 2011 !! There was prize distribution function on Ridge ground during evening and a grand party in Ritz after that. Let's have a quick PHOTO JOURNEY of the last evening on MTB Himachal 2011 !!!
Here comes the very first photograph of all the Marshals and Volunteers, who are real executors of MTB Himachal 2011. Although this photograph was clicked during the end of prize distribution ceremony, but it's one of the important one and fits well for top photograph of this Photo Journey.
Here we have all the winners in various categories. Mohit Sood on mic and Dhananjay on other end. State Minister Narender Baragata was Chief Guest in this ceremony and he handed over few of the main prizes of MTB Himachal 2011 !!
Boon and M. Atri also joined in from right side... There were different categories in MTB Himachal 2011 - Master's Category, Team Competition and Champion trophy etc.
Various delegates from T1 cycles, Himachal Tourism and other sponsorship companies were present during this final ceremony of MTB Himachal 2011. This ceremony takes place on top of Indira market near Ridge Ground of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
After Prize distribution ceremony, Mr. Narender Baragata talking to media folks on Ridge ground, Shimla. Mr. Rohit Sharma with Camera on right side. He has been with MTB Himachal rally for 8 days and relayed three full episodes in Shimla Doordarshan & Sports channel.
Mr. Narender Baragata expressed his views about cycling and importance of such event in Himachal Pradesh. At the same time he assured that Himachal Pradesh Government will ensure safe and successful events in future. Although most of these events are run by private organization, but Himachali politicians are very well involved in most of them...
It was a long press conference on Ridge Ground of Shimla. All press folks as well as Himachal Pradesh ministers were seemed interesting in conversation about MTB Himachal 2011 !!!
Here is Mr. Dutta Patil, who was runner in masters category. He belongs to Maharashtra and he has been riding bare feet for last 16 years. In fact he has not used footwear for last 16 years or so. If someone ask him why, his reply is like - I never a need... Can you imagine?
Two girl winners of MTB Himachal 2011, having a photograph with VIP guests of final ceremony on Ridge ground of Shimla, Capital city of Himachal Pradesh.
Here comes another set of energetic people, who are called as Marshals and Volunteers of MTB Himachal 2011. The real executor of this event. People who have worked hard after compromising many things during 8 days of MTB Himachal 2011.
Their enthusiasm and passion was commendable. Hope HASTPA would have appreciated their efforts with some tokens on same day. Alas it didn't happen this year. In 2010, they were very well appreciated with appropriate tokens and certificates. Hope they will got some tokens after completion of this event...
VIP Guests sitting on front row on Ridge Ground, where MTB Final ceremony took place...
Political talks with nice laughter :) ... Mr. Suresh Bhardwaj and Mr. Narender Baragata !!!
With this MTB Himachal Pradesh 2011 completed and now it was time for Party. I preferred not to click any photographs in Party as event was over and it was time to enjoy :) ... Now on to MTB Himachal Pradesh 2012 !!! Let's see how things work out...