Panchlight - One of the latest play directed by Ranjit Kapoor @ National School of Drama, Mandi-House, Delhi, INDIA
With recent plays acted at Sammukh auditorium of National School of Drama, Panchlight was the last one. It is directed by Ranjit Kapoor. Let's have a quick PHOTO JOURNEY of Panchlight, which is directed by Ranjit Kapoor.
Here is a photograph is famous Theatre Director Ranjit Kapoor !!! My interest in theatre was developed three years back after seeing 'Begum ka Takia', which was again directed by Ranjit Kapoor. In last three years I have seen various other plays by Ranjit Kapoor and all of them were really amazing. He has his unique style of presenting a play in an interesting way. If something has never seen theater plays and want to try one, I always recommend any plays directed by Ranjit Kapoor.
Play starts with a song and whole cast is sang the starting song brilliantly. All these actors are mulch-talented, who can sing, dance and capable of doing lot more.
This story started with a love story of village. Boyfriend used to meet his girlfriend in farms during night. One of the other boy saw them meeting behind the tree and told the same to girl's mom. She raised a case in Panchayat against the boy, who belonged to other village. Above photograph is showing Panchayat Pradhan, Panch and boy sitting on ground...
During Panchayat session, all members indulged in other discussions related to village development and light problems. After some interesting discussions, Panchayat found no issue in meeting girls in farms as there were some genuine reasons of not meeting inside village. On this girl's mother threatened villagers about leaving the village and go to the nearby place.
Various situations in the play were described through songs. Each song was represented very well in Panchlight play by Ranjit Kapoor.
Finally boy was fined with 10 rupees and asked to leave the village. He left that village and started living near river across other village. The photograph above is showing girl sad about this decision.
Finally focus changed towards growth in their village... Most of the main folks went to market and bought a Panchlight for their village. Above photograph shows celebrations in village..
Everyone in the village was dancing around Sunil Upadhyay who was carrying the Panchlight. Till this point noone had even seen the light, as it was packed inside a wooden box.
Soon after they realized that no one in the village knows, how to light this Panchlight. Now a discussion started in very sad mood. Some suggested to request folks from neighboring villages to come and teach the process. It was not accepted by most of them, as it would have proven them small as compared to other villagers.
At the same time, she got an idea... And she knew that her banned boyfriend knows about the process of lighting the punchlight. She conveyed the same to her friend and finally the news reached pradhan of the village. Soon it was decided to recall all allegations against him and planned to call him back...
He came and asked villagers to bring required spirit. But no one in village had though about the fuel. Now again everyone was sad that they have to arrange funds and someone needs to go to market for buying appropriate fuel item. But again he resolved the problem and asked if someone use coconut oil. Her girlfriend brought some oil and finaly Panchlight worked !!!
Again everyone in the village was delighted and dancing around the Punchlight. Story was not as plain as I explained... One needs to see this play to enjoy it !!! Since it was last show in Delhi, it was completely filled with energy, enthusiasm and some natural acts in the end...
Here is a photograph of main couple, who were main characters and whole story revolved around these two folks. Although every character was equally important in this play...
Kailash Chauhan == Deep Lumar == Madhumita == ?? == Prasanna Soni == Rajini == Jawed == ?? == Anirudh Wankar == Sunil Upadhyay
Whole cast of Punchlight ending the play with a sweet song. Everyone in this troop sung really well. Folks in National School of Drama are really mulch-talented and some of them have no other match...
Kailash Chauhan - It seems he has just joined NSD Repertory company. He was brilliant in this play. Role of Village Sarpanch was played by Kailash Chauhan only. Recently I saw some other plays by Kailash Chauhan and he was amazing. Kailash is a fantastic dancer as well :)
Rajini, a cute girl in this play, who used to meet her boyfriend in fields.
Anirudh Wankar - One of the panch in this play who always threatened about resigning from Panchayat. He had good hold in Village panchayat and you have to see the play to actually see how he influence everyone in Panchayat and Village... He is an amazing singer as well !!!
Madhumita, who acted as girl's mom and main character in this play. She was a respected lady in the village and all panchayat members were really concerned about her complaint...
Here comes Mr. Sunil Upadhyay, who dictated this story. He is one of the senior and brilliant actor of National School of Drama. Begum ka Taia was first play when I saw his acting and I am huge fan of Sunil till date... Although now I appreciate most of the actors on NSD, Mandi House, Delhi, INDIA...