Weekly Vegetable Markets in Indian Towns - Great place to experience Stunning Colours, Mysterious Culture, Delicious Food & lot more
During Christmas vacations, I was in Chandigarh and was staying with Naresh at Mohali. So on thursday, we visited one of the vegetable market at Phase-3B2, mohali and found this little interesting... Let's check out this Photo Journey from this weekly Vegetable Market...
Clicking photographs in such markets is not a usual thing and at times, vegetable vendors don't like (which can be interpreted from their expressions.) So we have clicked photographs of shops/kiosks, where we bought something.
In most of the big cities/towns of India, there is a trend of weekly vegetable markets. At some places, farmers from surrounding areas come with fresh vegetables to a common ground. While in cities around Capital region, vegetables vendors come up with various vegetable options picked from main store.
In cities like Mohali, Chandigarh are closer to agricultural regions, so have an advantage of accessing fresh vegetables and fruits. In fact, lot of local stuff is also available quite easily...
It was wonderful experience to roam around a place with all fresh vegetables, fruits and other local stuff. People from villages calling the customers with extreme humbleness and many times, no need of negotiations. They sell vegetables, fruits, sugarcane etc at very reasonable rates. Most of the vendors deal only in selected items. For example, vegetable vendor in this photograph is only selling potatoes and peas.
Colorful vegetables lying across the rows in this market @ Mohali, Punjab, India.
Freshness of these vegetables or fruits, at times, compel to overbuy due to cheaper rates. So it's always important to know the need, before heading towards these markets. It's always tempting to stop by every kiosk and ask for rates and fill the bags :) ... I know it's not possible to estimate the amount and type of vegetables/fruits required for next few days, but it becomes important when you are shopping at these moving markets and not supermarkets around your house.
Please have a look at http://spiceflair.com/the-farmers-market-of-india-sabzi-mandi/
This link shares an interesting experience of Sabzimandi and memories from childhood of author, who has recommended some of the tips for shopping in moving Sabzimandi around your place.
'Gurh' - Almost all moving vegetable markets will have this stuff, which is made up of sugarcane and mostly processed locally by farmers. I recommend to never visit the place where it's processed, because that may lead you to not use this stuff :) ... In fact, same is the case with Sugar Factories. In that case, even you need not to go inside the factory.
In most of the planned cities, appropriate authorities facilitate these markets. Things like benches on rent are provided to farmers, so that they need not to worry about the such heavy things. Apart from this, authorities need to take care of providing appropriate space for farmers and cleaning of the same space next day. So farmers come up with stuff they want to sell, some small equipments for lighting the space and covers-wraps in case of rains etc.
Almost every seasonal vegetable and fruits can be found in these markets. Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Pomegranates in fruits and vegetables like - Beetroot, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Brinjal, Cabbage, capsicum, Carrot, Cauliflower, Coriander leaves, Corn, Cucumber, Curry leaves, French Beans, Fenugreek leaves, Garlic, Ginger, gooseberry, Green Mustard, Green Peas, Green Onion, Lady Finger,Lemon, Maize, Mint, Mushroom, Onion etc...
Here is a nice link with some of the names of vegetables in English and translation in Hindi or what we call them in India - http://www.syvum.com/recipes/indian/glossv1.html
One of the vegetable only selling things like Red and Green chillies, gooseberry & green chickpea etc.
Sparkling lights around colorful vegetables @ Moving Sabzimandi, Mohali, Punjab, India !!
For health conscious people, there is lot of information available on web. Like healthiest vegetable for winters etc.. One of the similar link can be seen at http://eatdrinkbetter.com/2008/12/12/seasonal-eats-5-best-winter-vegetables/
Sabzimandi is also a good place to look for daily-use stuff in some of the shops around the main market. These shops are extremely useful at times...
Not only daily use stuff, but cloths, bed-sheet and other stuff is also sold. I am not sure how popular such shops are but I always these them around moving Sabzimandi... I was standing at this point for 10 minutes, didn't see even a single customer for him. Hope he makes good money during the time he spent in chilling winters...
As a bachelor, I hardly go to these markets. In Chandigarh, I got this opportunity to visit this Sabzimandi with my friend. Hope to visit the Monday Vegetable Market in Noida as well. It's very close to my office :) ... Hope to share another Photo Journey on Noida Sabzimandi soon...
Old Title of this Blogpost - Sabzi-Mandi || Vegetable Market at Mohali (Phase-3B2), Chandigarh Tricity, Punjab, India