I love plants. After sowing the seeds, when the first of the saplings emerges out of the earth, I feel such gratification. It is as if nature has done me a huge favour by responding to my care. Here are some of the plants from my balcony. There are many more. This is just a sneak peek.
Chhui-mui or touch-me-not (Mimosa Pudica) is perhaps the wildest growing plant in my balcony. What is awesome about this plant is that it responds to touch and its leaves close and the branches bend upon human touch! It is like interacting with something that responds to emotions. And after a while, the plant seems to get used to your touch, and doesn't close up anymore. It has beautiful purple brush-like flowers that survive for a day or two. Will upload their picture some time.
This is Jade or Crassula ovata, the survivor. This plant is a succulent and survives days of neglect. In my balcony, it has been growing in a tiny pot without any complaints. This is an ideal plant for hanging baskets as well as it is easy to maintain and its branches hang beautifully.
This is a bud ready to bloom on my young hibiscus. The bush itself is tiny but it is blooming now-a-days...giving me at least two flowers every day. :) It is a beautiful bush and makes me feel very proud of my gardening skills.
This is the creeping branch of my Jasmine plant. A similar branch has already embraced the mesh of my balcony and is running the entire length. Before my flowering jasmine suddenly decided to creep, I never even knew that Jasmines could creep!