PHOTO FAIR 2013 in Delhi was little disappointing without any participation from Nikon and Canon || Top Camera Brands missing in Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair 2013
6th Jan 2013 was last day of Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair, which is popularly known as annual Photo Fair. It's a platform for Photography related businesses to showcase their products, technologies and innovations to Photographer community. This time Nikon and Canon were missing from this fair which was quite odd and overall excitement was also lesser. Let's check out this Photo Journey to know what else was there at Photo Fair.
This was the best part of Delhi Photo Fair 2013 ! Almost every branding poster had some very good messages writen, with significant real estate allocation to it. Messages like 'RESPECT WOMEN' and 'SAVE GIRL' etc. Big Thanks for Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair Organizers !!!
In absence of Nikon and Canon, Sony was one of the biggest stall owner in Photo Fair. All registration counters had SONY branding and there was elaborated setup at Sony corner. There was a dedicated platform with some models and their mirriless cameras are feathered to screens around it.
It was great to see a huge corner occupied by Xerox, the company which has contributed a lot to evolution of printing industry. In between, Xerox was lost somewhere and now seemed like a well equipment competitor for companies in printing domain.
How can I miss the company which gifted a camera to me, few months back. Fujifilm is well equipped with different ranges of DLSRs & Mirroless cameras for serious photographers.
Here is a view of Tamron corner where eminent Photographers Adarsh Anand and Eesh Diwan were sharing some tips about photography with audience. There was proper lighting with a backdrop and some models, so that folks could try their hands with suggested settings etc. Tamron is doing great in India Photography market and the way they are planning thing will take them to places. All the Best Tamron, although I am not sure how their products/lenses work with Nikon or Canon cameras, as I never used them.
There were many other camera equipment, software, photo book and template companies who had experts at their stalls to answer Photographer's queries. It was amazing to interesting softwares created to solve some of the basic problems of Indian Photographers and wondering if these photographers will still go for branded softwares, when they get customized softwares. At the same time, how these companies are handling piracy problem in India. For next few weeks, I will be looking at some of the these softwares by Indian companies and how effective they are for non-studio photographers.
Here is another big industry in Photography eco-system of India. Album templates, Video templates for creating wedding albums or DVDs. There were plenty of companies to sell such stuff, along with some hardware for printing, binding and all.
During the visit, I was talking one of the Photographer and both of us felt that rates offered for camera equipments were comparatively high at the Fair. So folks in Delhi can get this stuff anytime at better rates in Chandani-Chowk.
For some companies, it's just a platform to build their brand as many photographers from different parts of the country to Photo Fair.
'Organized biannually in Delhi by the All India Photographic Trade & Industry Association, Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair is the 3rd largest photography expo in the world and will feature not only the leading camera and lens manufacturers, but also multitude of small and home grown companies and shops, offering a glimpse and discounted pricing on their photographic and lab equipment and software. Making Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair a must visit for every photographer.'
We missed you Nikon and Canon !!!