Re-Imaging : 'THE PEOPLE OF INDIA' - A Photography Exhibition Organized by INDIA PHOTO ARCHIVE FOUNDATION || MobileGIRI
Anthropology owes a lot to photographers, who have played a very
important role, intentionally and unintentionally, in documenting not
only history and nature, but also society and culture. When photography
was introduced in India, the photographers were British and some of the
pictures they clicked are incredible reflections of their undertsanding
of the Indian Society at that time.
However, society has evolved and the
old definitions of caste have changed considerably. And, therefore, it
is but logical that these changes be captured and documented with a
fresh perspective. And the exhibition "Reimaging: The People of India
(1850-2013)" takes several interesting steps in this direction.
The exhibition was inaugurated yesterday and will be on till 26 April 2013 at India International Centre. Timings are from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. The exhibition showcases several extraordinary portraits and compositions by Dinesh Khanna, Dileep Prakash, Mahesh Bhat and Sandeep Biswas - curated by Aditya Arya - that provide a rare insight into the various classes of contemporary Indian Society. Also on display are rare albumin prints from 1850, which provide an interesting contrast to the contemporary photographs. The exhibition is educating and enriching. If you can take out a couple of hours, I would definitely recommend a visit to the gallery.
Since it's a exhibition about People of India, some of the models were also roaming around. Dinesh Khanna is showcasing photograph of this fellow in this exhibition.
'This project aims at providing a visual comparative interpretation of an enormously multicultural nation from widely contrasting standpoints in terms of space and time; the ones who rules us and their observation and now post-independence, our own self-reflection. '
THE PEOPLE OF INDIA was an 8-volume publication compiled by JOHN FORBES WATSON and JOHN WILLIAM KAYE between 1868 and 1875. Originally conceived by Lord and Lady Charles Canning, it was an early experiment with photography as documentary medium.