Framing photographs is one of the most used thing before sharing it online. It's really easy to do in Photoshop Elements. Earlier I was not sure if this topic make a cut to written on this blog but today I saw a discussion on Adobe-Forums on this and thought of sharing this quick way of adding frames to a photographs in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
There are two ways of adding frames and we will be discussing first method with installed templates for framing photographs. Let's go step by step and frame one of my photograph in Adobe Photoshop Elements (Editor) -
1. Open the photograph you want to frame by going to File Menu and selecting appropriate photograph from your computer.
2. Click on Content tab highlighted in screenshot below and it will show all default templates for backgrounds below the dropdown.
3. Select Frames in second dropdown and different types of frames will be shown below it.
4. On double clicking on any of them, respective frame will be applied to the photograph currently open on left.
Now make sure that photograph is perfectly placed inside the frame and in case want to change, don't commit the frame and try another one. Even if you have applied one and not very happy, Undo it and try others.
All the Best!!!
Another way to adding simple frame would be shared soon.