Many times, this question is asked on forums that how can we remove face wrinkles in Adobe Photoshop Elements. In fact many times, people in fashion photography use beautifying techniques in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Today, we shall discuss about very basic stuff about Wrinkle Removal using Spot Healing Brush Tool in Adobe Photoshop Elements...
Let's go step by step and try to remove wrinkles of photograph shown below.
1. Open your photograph in Editor workspace of Adobe Photoshop by 'File' Menu and 'Open' option.
2. When Photograph is open, zoom-in so that you clearly see wrinkle areas. Above photograph is zoomed in upto 90% to clearly see face in Editor workspace.
3. On left hand Tool-Bar select Spot Healing Brush and select appropriate size and make sure brush selected has some feather on its edges. For above photograph I selected 7 pixel wide brush which will be required for wide wrinkles. Size will wary from one place of the face to other and also on thickness of a wrinkle. So you may need to change the size multiple times.
4. After selecting Spot Healing brush, just make a sroke on one wrinkle and you will see that it samples from surrounding areas to fill that selection area and it becomes smooth.
5. Just have a look at image I got in 5 minutes without even changing Brush settings. Although all the wrinkles are taken care in image below, but idea is to just share the way to remove these and experiment with brush settings to get more accurate results. At times, wrinkle removal may leave some blemishes which can be handled with opaque Cloning and we shall talk about it in detail during next article.
Please try this technique and share your experiences/questions through comments.