There was time, when I was a huge fan of Process Multiple Files Dialog in Editor which offers resizing & watermarking of multiple photographs in one click. At that time, I used to put my watermark in left-bottom of the photographs. Then I saw some of my photographs being used on some of the websites, without permission and on top of that they cropped the photographs to get rid of watermark in the bottom. It was quite easy to remove it from bottom.
Next quick thought was to watermark in the center, but it was destroying my photographs. I wanted to place these watermarks more strategically without impacting photo visuals.
Since subjects are differently places in each photograph, so btach processing for watermarking doesn't make sense in this case. Thereon I started watermarking my photograph with a Brush, which is quite flexible in many senses. Different transparencies of watermark, various sizes etc can be managed very easily. Here are some of the samples -