In 9th version of Photoshop Elements, the feature which was a great buzz among the users was CONTENT AWARE FILL.. What does it mean? When I first heard of it, I was not able to relate that its talking about elements in photograph and one can recover the elements which are missing... and I was like wow... When I first saw this feature working in a youtube video, I realized it's real utility... Let me present a typical example :- When we go to a monument and try to click its photographs, we get few unwanted elements in the photograph like people moving around.. Its not realistic to wait for a moment when nobody is in front of the building and even not practical... In Photoshop Elements 7.0, there was a feature called Photomerge Scene Cleaner, but for using this feature one had to click multiple photographs of same view and some shake may not give good results... In Photoshop Elements 8.0, another feature was added called as RECOMPOSE (Image - Recompose ALT+CTRL+R) which had its own limitations that discrete elements can be removed but it used to distort the elements of continuous nature... In 9th version of Photoshop Elements, a new feature called Content Aware Fill Was added.. Using this feature one can remove a particular element from the photograph and background is intelligently created by looking at the surroundings... Let's see how this feature worked for my photograph with a real story...
Here is a photograph and I wanted to remove these birds in the sky.. I can remove it easily with eraser but I need to put lot of efforts to fill that area with similar shaped of color at each point which is not very easy task... and of course very time consuming... So here was the workflow I followed to remove all the birds by keeping the background intact...
1. Opened the Photograph in Editor application from Organizer of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0
2. Clicked on Spot Healing Brush Tool and made sure that radio-button for 'Content-Aware' is checked...
3. Now I had to just clicked on the birds and DONE
Here is the final result with few strokes of Healing Brush Tool.. Isn't it amazing !!!
Try out this feature of Adobe Photoshop Elements and share your experiences... Please leave your comments for this post to improve overall quality of this blog !! Thanks !!!