Photography is increasingly becoming popular not only as a profession, but also as a hobby. Everyone carries a camera and everyone clicks pictures even if it is only restricted to taking selfies. If past trends can be trusted, this popularity is not going to go down any time soon. In fact, I feel that it is going to increasingly become a part of our lives - something that we do involuntarily rather than voluntarily. But why do we feel this urge to capture a moment in a camera? What makes us pick the camera and click a picture? When one thinks of it, there are several reasons, some obvious and others not so obvious.
One of the most common reasons we click a picture is to capture a moment that is perfect, that is not likely to repeat itself. For example, our time spent with friends we are not likely to meet in a long time or that perfect family picnic where all our loved ones were present. There are the moments that become memories we want to cherish for a lifetime and hence we click pictures.
One of the most common reasons we click a picture is to capture a moment that is perfect, that is not likely to repeat itself. For example, our time spent with friends we are not likely to meet in a long time or that perfect family picnic where all our loved ones were present. There are the moments that become memories we want to cherish for a lifetime and hence we click pictures.
We also click pictures to share our experiences with others. It isn't always possible to take our loved ones with us everywhere. And often we come across beautiful and incredible sights. How we wish that our loved ones were there with us then. Clicking pictures and sharing them is only the second best thing we can do in such a situation.
We also click pictures for far more narcissitic reasons. Remember the character of Lucky Singh in Lage Raho Munna Bhai and his wall that was full of pictures of him with several celebrities. While those pictures were obviously photoshopped, nothing can better exemplify this reason why we click pictures. Selfies also often fall in this category.
At times, we also click pictures to capture what we cannot see with naked eyes. Star trails and stop motion photography fall in this category. Pictures shot through microscopes and telescopes also fall in this category. And so do pictures that are shot in the night especially in jungles using motion-sensing cameras. Many of these pictures are used for research.

We also click photographs for professional reasons. Photographs shot by paid wedding photographers or by photo studio for your wedding portfolio or various official documentations fall into this category. However, not all professional reasons need to be so unglamorous, because images clicked by commissioned wildlife photographers and world travellers also fall in this category, as do photographs clicked by food photographers and portrait photographers.
Several photographs are also clicked purely for marketing purposes, such as the before and after images to be used by slimming centres and dieticians. This category can also be combined with the previous, but I prefer to keep them separate.

There may be these and many more reasons for which you click pictures. Do leave a comment if you would like to share your reason. But we all agree whatever be the reason, photography is here to stay. So we better get our heads around the art, as photographs are quickly becoming THE way to express oneself.
Moving forward, a little bird tells us that while we are buckling under the humidity here in Delhi, folks in Himachal are enjoying cool breezes in the afternoon and chilly winds in the evenings. How can we not envy that? But we will try to do our best to help you chill
for a bit. Here are a few posts about Himachal that will also help you plan a trip or two if things get too desperate. Here is the post that lists the Top 10 Hill Stations in Himalayan State of India. And here is the one that gives details about the best ways to reach some of the popular summer destinations in Himachal Pradesh.
And with photography gaining popularity, new cameras are being introduced every day. So to make your decision of which camera to buy easier, here is a review of one of them -Nikon launched D810 - A new Full Frame DSLR.

It is not only cameras, new GPS devices are being introduced every day too. When we were requested to review Tomtom, we decided to go with it. Read Tomtom GPS - Is it a good option to replace your phone GPS? and let us know if you think this is the answer to all your GPS needs.
And now coming to our guest posts, we saw another post, or rather a series of posts, from another solo woman traveler. Check out A Solo Traveller sharing her trip to Kerala - By Tanya Choudhary and do leave comment to lend your support to the cause of solo women travelers. Thanks Tanya, the series really makes us want to head to Kerala right away.
We also saw another brilliant post from our regular contributor Bhavna Negi. Click here to read
#AdobeLife Story by Bhavna Negi. Thanks Bhavna, you will notice we no longer call you a guest here.
And finally a couple of posts by yours truly. I feel more of a guest when compared to the likes of Bhavna, and therefore these posts are in the Guest Post section. Click here to read them and do let me know what you think of them. The first one is a trip down the memory lane. It is about A Coach Trip to Llandudno || The Beautiful Resort in the North of Wales. And the second one is an article about Sarahan that was recently published in The Times of India. Here you go: The Sarahan Experience – A Spiritual Inquest and Much More.
And to conclude here are some stats to make us feel good, narcissists that we are:
Total number of stories in June 2014: 28
Total number of page views till date: 21 Lac and counting
Total number of page views in June 2014: More than 74,600
-- Afghan in Kashmir
Great digest of the month.. Looking forward to more such awesomeness.!! :))
@Bhavna - Now it has become a habit to see everytime your name in monthly digest :)