Few months back, we had shared about achieving star effect in your photographs through different techniques and today we will take the discussion one step further. Today we will talk more about the way Monsoons and rains can make star-effect photographs more interesting.
If you look at the first photograph, I took help of these leaves to mellow down the bright sun and get star shaped rays. Notice that edges of these leaves are quite clear in the photograph and shining white. Do you know why this is so? This is shot just after the rain, when leaves have water droplets which are shining in the sunlight. Now can you imagine with photograph without rain droplets? You would hardly see the edges because contrast is being created by droplets here. And interesting shape of these leaves make it interesting. This is one of the cases where water droplets are making the star-effect more interesting.
There can be various other experiments that we can do with water and the star effect. Below is another example wherein Sunrays hitting the droplet are used to create a star-effect.
Hope you got the idea and will try to experiment around this. And feel free to share your experiences, suggestions or feedback through comments here. Best !