Having good contrast is one of the primary need of a photograph and again there are multiple ways of handling Contrast in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Today we are going to look at a way of increasing contrast in a photograph using Blending Modes and wonderful use of sliders to handle Opacity...
Let's go step by step to increase contrast of a photograph in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
1. Open your photograph in Editor workspace of Adobe Photoshop Elements. For opening a photograph, go to File Menu and opt for Open option. Your workspace should look like image below, as photograph is opened in Editor.
2. Now simply duplicate your layer through any of the following three options -
a. Press CTRL+J to duplicate your background layer of photograph.
b. Go to Layer Menu and select Duplicate Layer option.
c. Right click on Bakcground Layer and opt Duplicate Layer option in Context-Menu.
After this step, you will see two layers in Layer-panel, like something you see in image below.
3. Now, change blending mode from 'Normal' to 'Overlay'. Highlights in image below shows the place from where you can change the Blending Modes. If you are not able to make out, please compare image above and below.
After this step you will get increased Contrast. In case it's too much for you, play with opacity slider to reduce the effect. If more contrast is needed, repeate above steps...