Conjuring a Story - A Flash Fiction Writing Workshop in Delhi by LIterature Studio || #CreativeWritinginIndia

At 9:15am on 18th Oct, I found myself at Kunzum Travel Cafe, Hauz Khas
Village for 'Conjuring a Story' - A Flash Fiction Writing Workshop to be
conducted by Literature Studio. I prefer waking up late on Saturday
Mornings because all other days of the week are pretty much spent
running around, attending conference calls or resolving out-of-the-blue
SOS issues. And reaching Hauz Khas Village at 10 am meant that I
had to get up at 7am. But I didn't mind, because these creative writing
workshops help me relax too.

group this time was small and enthusiastic, and I personally feel that
this is the best combination when it comes to Creative Writing workshops. Everyone had at least done some writing in the past or was
seriously interested in pursuing it in some form.
There were plenty of writing exercises that were tailored to stimulate the participants' minds so that they could get started with writing within the first half-an-hour of the workshop. I was happy to see that everyone put their pens to paper without any hesitation. That says a lot about how receptive the participants were.
I would say there was 100% participation from everyone, which is really good. Everyone got the opportunity to speak and they made the most of it. Everyone listened to whoever was speaking respectfully and no one interrupted.
The youngest participant was a 12-year-old school boy from Rohini. I was truly impressed that he and his parents had traveled all the way from Rohini to make him attend the workshop. And he came up with a very nice story idea. Hope his story will be published on Literature Studio's blog really soon. I am dying to read it.
We shared several light moments too. In fact the entire workshop was pretty interesting. I didn't see anyone yawn or look bored for the entire 4 hours.
At times the exercises required some deep thinking, and at times they required some even deeper thinking. There was a lot of pushing oneself to come up with the most unobvious and most interesting resolution.
What I really loved about the workshop was that everyone's story got enough attention. And the participants were really open about their thoughts and opinions. It takes courage to share your stories with a group of strangers and it was good to see that people were able to open up. There were even times when the participants shared their opinions about each others' works and all suggestions were taken in the right spirit.
On the whole for me it was a Saturday morning well spent and I hope to see many more such workshops by Literature Studio.