Many times on different forums, I have read that some of us are not very clear about Stacks and Version-Sets in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Lets have a brief understanding of these Two:
Stacks :

Stack is a set of Photographs which are similar in some sense and a photographer want to track all those images as a set so that in future s/he can select the best out of these whenever required. In Elements Organizer we can create Stack by selecting some files or by Automatic Statcking mechanism which helps stacking similar Photographs. A Stack looks like :
Note the icon shown on right top corner of photograph. This Icon shows that the set here is Stack. Following operations are available for a Stack in Elements Organizer.
All the files of an Expanded Stack are used in most of the workflows of Elements Organizer but that is not the case with Versio Sets. Only Top file of Version-Set is used at most of the places.
1. Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks
2. Stacks Selected Photos
3. Unstacks Photos
4. Expand Photos in Stack
5. Collapse Photos in Stack
6. Flatten Stacks...
7. Remove Photos from Stack
8. Set as Top Photo
Version Sets:

Version-Set is a set of Photographs which are basically different versions of single Photograph. Version set can't be created explicitly by users. A Version-set is created as we edit a photograph in Editor, Organizer , Photoshot or any external editor. Latest version of the files is always kept on the top which is used in most of the workflows in Elements Organizer. We can make any version as Top file of the version-set. Version-Set is represented as:
Note the icon on right-top corner of the photograph. This icon represents Version-set and brush is extra as compared to Stack. Here are some operations available for Version-Sets in Elements Organizer.
1. Expand Items in Version Set
2. Collapse Items in Version Set
3. Flatten Version Set...
4. Convert Version Set to Individual Items
5. Revert to Original...
6. Remove Items(s) from Version Set
7. Set as Top Item
Leave comments in case you have some specific queries about Stacks OR Version-Sets.