Today I was reading some posts on Adobe Forum and one of the Elements user was searching for way to add audio to a photograph. Initially I though of slideshow where audio can be added to multiple photographs while playing, but after some time I realized that its about Audio Captioning a Photograph in Elements Organizer. So here is a the procedure to add Audio-Caption or attaching audio to a photograph !!!
1. Open your photograph in Elements Organizer
2. Go to Single Image Viewer of Organizer, so that only one photograph is shown inside it.
3. If you don't know about the way to go to Single Image View, locate the controls shown in above image and click on highlighted rectangle.
4. On accessing photograph in Single Image View (SIV), a volume/sound/speaker icon is shown on right bottom of the organizer. Just below the photograph ! Please see first image to understand it better.
5. Click on this volume/sound/speaker icon. Below shown dialog will be shown.
6. Go to File Menu and Click Browse.
7. Select appropriate Music file and open.
8. Click on close button of "Select Audio File" dialog and it will show a message shown below - "Would you like ot save this audio caption"
9. Click Yes and you are done !!!
10. Notice that your photograph has volume/sound/speaker icon on right top, which indicates that photograph has audio caption.
Here you can also record any sound on run time and add as Audio Caption.