Two different views are better than one view - Zoomed/Full-Image view while editing in Adobe Photoshop Elements
For some of the editing workflows we tend to Zoom-In and at times, we prefer to keep an eye on whole image. But at one point of time, we miss one of the views (Zoomed View at a particular part or Full-Image). Most of the professionals want to have side by side view of editing impact on an image. This is one of the main reason that people use two monitor with one computer at any point of time. Let's see how we can see two instances of same photograph side by side...
Let's go step by step -
1. Launch Editor of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
2. Go to Preferences via Edit Menu or pressing CTRL+K
3. Go to 'General' tab of Preferences and check 'Allow Floating Documents in Full Mode'.
4. After checking this option, open a photograph in Editor workspace of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
5. Now go to View Menu and click on 'New Windows for FILE_NAME.JPG'. It will launch a new window in workspace with same photograph.
6. Now you can zoom-in in one of the photograph and can see effect in full-image view. Just have a look at image below and things will be more clear to you.