All of us come across various states of mind and start dreaming about various things. At times, it happens because of huge interest in few things and sometimes it's because of some inspiring events/people/readings. There can be other reasons as well. Sometimes, we go through huge stress conditions and varied thoughts start coming to our mind.
Everyone of us have different constraints and most of the times these constraints hold us back from taking bold decisions by following our dreams/aspirations. At times we overthink and try to avoid risks which may not really happen in future. With time, our constraints keep increasing and at times we use words like 'responsibility', 'backup' etc. I am not saying that we shouldn't be thinking about things, but probably we should avoid overthinking and also try to take risks in life.
Risk taking habit builds over time :). Most of the folks around us take different types of risks and their risk taking capabilities also increase with time. Practice of risk-taking makes them feel more confident with every decision :).
Few days back I came across this (please see bottom of this post) video and it made me think about various thoughts, which we either ignore or underestimate.
Everyone has their own share of hopes, dreams and aspirations that drive them to pursue their goals. Imagine a life without any constraints, nothing to hold you back.Here are top 5 things on my Bucket List that I would do if I were #BefikarUmarBhar
1. Travel & Explore the world.
So far whatever I done or followed as interest/passion, travel has always made learn new things about life. Isn't it a great way to lead your life. Enjoy, meet people, explore various cultures, go through good & bad experiences and lot more. Every trip make you realize some important aspects of life. At the same time I want people around me who always insire me to continue with this hobby of exploring the world. I wish to explore the world in various modes - like a backpacker, a super luxury traveller, a traveller who can inspire others to travel and become a responsible traveller.
2. Learn Photography from Masters of this art.
It's not limited to learning Photography but more about learning various genres of Photography. I have been following some of the Indian and International masters of Landscapes, Street photography, portraits, action, motorsports, studio work, lighting & so on. Isn't it a fun to always learn new things from the best and then choose what works best for you :). Don't we do this every time? We always need something new or something better. And probably it's common in human beings. All these things are part of an evolution. In my childhood, I wanted to always top in my class, win different competitions of painting, origami, singing, declamation, quiz etc. Them I realized that I like doing paintings and spent various hours doing that. Soon after I got to know that earning money and fulfilling your desires is another important aspect, when you become independent. Just like any other science student, I also opted to do engineering even without knowing the importance of colleges and other things associated with engineering education. Got a job and then started exploring new things. So far, Photography appealed me the most :), although I haven't yet bought a camera. Thanks to my office for providing me awesome gadgets to practice and learn. Through blogging I won two advanced point-n-shoot which are used whenever I don'y have an office SLR. Let me stop here :)

3. Be around family and friends.
Family and friends are very important. They are extremely important for your existence and these are the folks with whom you enjoy the most. Although frequency of meeting my parents and friends has reduced for quite some time, but I know that I will be back in discipline :)
Here I want to thank all those individuals who helped me grow as person and professional. I feel very fortunate to have very good friends, family, mentors, relatives and teachers throughout. Thanks everyone !
4. Remain connected with technology.
Although Travel, Photography & family has important roles to play in my life, but I also love to be around techies. This is how I have been spending most of my time for last 10 years. And it's difficult to imagine myself away from passionate techies. At times I think, it's weird but it's true :)

5. Put much needed efforts for education in our country
Education system and how it impacts our society & new generation is one of the important topic discussed in my family. My father is a teacher and he has been involved in various initiatives around education. There are lot of kids in our country who don't have access to good schools. There are multiple reasons and some of the good NGOs/organizations are working on this. But still lot of efforts are needed in this sector. I wish to do something impactful in this area.
When I started writing this post, I had no clue what I really want and why. Then gradually these words came to mind and I have tried to put them in same way. Tomorrow I may find some other things in this top-5 list.
1. Travel & Explore the world.
So far whatever I done or followed as interest/passion, travel has always made learn new things about life. Isn't it a great way to lead your life. Enjoy, meet people, explore various cultures, go through good & bad experiences and lot more. Every trip make you realize some important aspects of life. At the same time I want people around me who always insire me to continue with this hobby of exploring the world. I wish to explore the world in various modes - like a backpacker, a super luxury traveller, a traveller who can inspire others to travel and become a responsible traveller.
2. Learn Photography from Masters of this art.
It's not limited to learning Photography but more about learning various genres of Photography. I have been following some of the Indian and International masters of Landscapes, Street photography, portraits, action, motorsports, studio work, lighting & so on. Isn't it a fun to always learn new things from the best and then choose what works best for you :). Don't we do this every time? We always need something new or something better. And probably it's common in human beings. All these things are part of an evolution. In my childhood, I wanted to always top in my class, win different competitions of painting, origami, singing, declamation, quiz etc. Them I realized that I like doing paintings and spent various hours doing that. Soon after I got to know that earning money and fulfilling your desires is another important aspect, when you become independent. Just like any other science student, I also opted to do engineering even without knowing the importance of colleges and other things associated with engineering education. Got a job and then started exploring new things. So far, Photography appealed me the most :), although I haven't yet bought a camera. Thanks to my office for providing me awesome gadgets to practice and learn. Through blogging I won two advanced point-n-shoot which are used whenever I don'y have an office SLR. Let me stop here :)

3. Be around family and friends.
Family and friends are very important. They are extremely important for your existence and these are the folks with whom you enjoy the most. Although frequency of meeting my parents and friends has reduced for quite some time, but I know that I will be back in discipline :)
Here I want to thank all those individuals who helped me grow as person and professional. I feel very fortunate to have very good friends, family, mentors, relatives and teachers throughout. Thanks everyone !
4. Remain connected with technology.
Although Travel, Photography & family has important roles to play in my life, but I also love to be around techies. This is how I have been spending most of my time for last 10 years. And it's difficult to imagine myself away from passionate techies. At times I think, it's weird but it's true :)

5. Put much needed efforts for education in our country
Education system and how it impacts our society & new generation is one of the important topic discussed in my family. My father is a teacher and he has been involved in various initiatives around education. There are lot of kids in our country who don't have access to good schools. There are multiple reasons and some of the good NGOs/organizations are working on this. But still lot of efforts are needed in this sector. I wish to do something impactful in this area.
When I started writing this post, I had no clue what I really want and why. Then gradually these words came to mind and I have tried to put them in same way. Tomorrow I may find some other things in this top-5 list.
This post is inspired by