Imagine that you weren't sitting in your warm, cozy home or plush office. Imagine that you had a field job. Imagine running around in the streets, from door to door or office to office and trying to sell whatever it is that you are trying to sell. Imagine doors being slammed in your face, your doorbell not being answered in spite of you being fully aware that there is someone watching from the window hidden behind the blind, not wanting to deal with an obnoxious salesperson. Imagine braving the elements, dust, heat, wind, cold and then going through all this.
And then imagine coming back home at night, tired, disgusted, feeling like the lowest life form to ever dwell on Earth. You ring the doorbell and the door opens. It is your wife/mom/dad/brother/sister/daughter/son. They look at your gaunt, pale face, call you with whatever nickname they have conferred upon you and then open their arms to you.
What do you do? How do you feel? All possible scenarios in my mind end with you abandoning yourself to their "jaadu ki japphi" and melting away in relief embraced by someone who doesn't think that you are a nuisance or a waste of space. Someone who cares enough to make you feel loved, immediately raising your stature from the scum to someone whose presence is welcome. A warm hug can therefore prepare you for another grueling, mind-numbing, soul-sucking day.
So when you are in a position to offer someone that warmth, do so without holding anything back. Be the person who gives the best embraces in the world. Celebrate the "Jaadu ki Japphi". Happy Hug Day.
Lovely photograph there.