I started PHOTO JOURNEY blog in 2008 and during last 7 years, I have part of various other blogs about Photography, Digital Imaging, Travel and Technology. But PHOTO JOURNEY always remained very special for me. The journey throughout has been amazing and lot of my friends & family supported me to take this blog to a different level every passing month. Lot of folks helped me with fresh ideas, suggestions and criticism. A continuous motivation and inspiration was required to keep the blog relevant all the time. Through this journey, I made lot of new friends and some of them have also contributed their experiences on PHOTO JOURNEY. Some of the folks in this group have always been asking for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workshop, but I couldn’t plan this because of logistics involved.
Arranging a good space was the first challenge. Recently Rakesh Ranjan, who is a regular guest blogger on PHOTO JOURNEY, pinged me and told that I have arranged the space in Noida. Would you be interested in doing a Lightroom workshop? That was a good starting point. I reached out to all PHOTO JOURNEY friends and tried to find out the interest level. Around 15 folks said yes and then we finalized on 16th May’15.
I was super excited about this workshop because of many reasons. I was doing it for passionate folks and the ones who love photography & travel. This was a FREE Lightroom workshop, so didn’t really advertise it externally.
Finally the day came. We planned to start at 9:30am. Arpit was before time even when he had come from Meerut and Rakesh was other person to be on time, who came to sec-62 from Great Noida. Aprit is a Fine Art Wedding Photographer, who is an inspiration for many when it comes to Photography. Rakesh Ranjan has spent significant time in IT world and now moved to his own venture in Travel space. He has been doing Photography for quite some time and also takes us some commercial assignments. I met him in one of the Motorsports rallies as Photographer.
Deepak Gupta, Narender Sharma, Atanu Dey and Arvind Khanna also joined us for this workshop. Deepak has been contributing on PHOTO JOURNEY for a long time now and he is continuously putting energies to learn more around Photography scape. Mr Sharma has also been doing photography for last few years. He had bought Nikon D90, which was stolen and now he is using Nikon D600. He tries to take out some time from his busy schedule and uses his camera. He likes traveling and trekking. Both of us had done our most memorable trek in 2008. Atanu is again a Photographer by hobby and loves traveling. Atanu and his wife Monidipa has contributed some of the most popular PHOTO JOURNEYs last year. It was great to have him in this workshop. He drove from Gurgaon to attend this workshop. Arvind is a Photographer who has exhibited in past and believes in continuous learning, when it comes to Photography. We happen to meet quite frequently :). It was a short notice for him and he planned to join us. Many of the folks couldn’t plan for the workshop because of the place and timings. But I am sure that we as a group would be able to figure out logistics for another workshop soon.
Finally we started the session at 10:30am. We had some very good conversations around Organizing and editing photographs in Lightroom. We discussed Library and Develop modules at length. Also discussed about varied topics around HDR, bracketing, Image Histograms, multiple vs single catalog, backup solutions etc.
I really enjoyed this meet and hope to plan more of such meets in future. Looking forward to support from all PHOTO JOURNEY friends on this front.
Also thanks to Rakesh for arranging space.
It was great learning experience I must say. Thanks once again.
Sharma ji - happy to hear that it was helpful. We can do such meets online as well. All of us have lot to share with each other.
Amar Shukla
And a wonderful time spent with like minded folks.
Thank you for the workshop :)
Archana, yes, It was fun !
Arpit, you guys made it a success. We shall do more of such meets.