When you start seeing tricolors all around, you can be sure that either it's Republic day or Independence day of India. You would see tricolored kites flying high in the sky and folks selling tricolored bands, flags, caps etc on red-lights. Kids start planning for the special day celebrations in their schools and some of them insist parents to plan a visit to India Gate - Either on 26th Jan or before that. Since rehearsals keep going for few weeks before the final parade on 26th, people can visit and see all action.
Republic Day Parade used to be very important in our childhood. Most of the members in family would wait for 26th Morning and ensure that everyone is done with other stuff before parade starts on television. We used to sit with family to watch the parade and feel proud about our forces, their skills, different states, their cultures etc.
The level of excitement used to increase with every synchronized step of our soldiers and patriotic songs would be played most of the time.
I used to wait for motorcycle stunts, fighter jets and the Jhanki's by different states of India.
This year I look forward to the day with anticipation I hope I am able to pass on this same patriotism to everyone I come in contact with.
The parts of Delhi around India Gate and President House are decorated very well and security is increased everywhere. There are lot of families who plan to visit Delhi during 26th Jan and go to witness the parade on Janpath. Apart from Republic Day celebrations, folks love to explore the main places in Delhi.
Please feel free to download these photographs and use them as your facebook cover on 26th Jan, but please don't crop out the watermarks.
Happy Republic Day my fellow Indians !!!
Jai Hind