This has been a continuous debate in my mind and recently when I was interacting with some of the photographers in Vizag, one of the comments was also studying rules of photography and try to apply them. There are lot such standard theories which have been given by masters and then carried forward by others. And as this information if given in a chain, these messages/tips start loosing the real context. Even if it doesn't happen, everybody would be clicking similar set of photographs and then from where the innovation in the space of photography would happen. In recent times, innovation is mainly happening in presentation of photography work in comparison to how to click better photograph by every passing day. Even when I say all this, these are my opinions and as an artist, it's your choice to build your own style and attach your own rules or definitions to the way you want to carry photography in your life.
Now let's talk about some of the standard guidelines you would find on the internet and how I think about them -
1. Identify best time of the day to take a photograph.
2. Understand your equipment and then start learning about the photography concepts.
3. Use XYZ lens for portraits, ABC for travel photography etc.
4. Use the rule of thirds and S-curve etc.
5. … and there can plenty of them.
Now let’s talk what exactly you want to do in Photography space. Making it clear in your head is most important thing because that’s your main goal and you have choose your own rules to achieve that goal.
I as a photographer has been confused about it and have changed the definition many times. And in my option, that’s ok and it indicates that you are continuously evolving and your priorities & goals are changing accordingly. Right now, most of my photography is about telling travel stories on and when it comes to equipments, it’s all random that I use. Mobile phone most of the times, DSLR of my sister which has 18-55 standard lens and some other lenses. But 90% of the times it’s not equipment that helps me take better photographs. It’s experience, visualization in my head about how I want to create a photograph. I treat subjects as most important thing and it’s relation with the viewers of my blog. Then I start thinking about ways to make it special. Now it can be related to standard rules that you read, but many times not.
And more I use my camera, more I realize that it’s more about getting away from the standard stuff that teaches you a lot. You may not get good results all the times, but when you get one it builds your own style and you have huge learnings through the whole journey.
Now let’s think of few of the following things and look back how these things helped you building your style-
- Clicking sunsets
- Flowers with blurred background
- Reflections and Shadows
- …
Did they really help you to learn the Art of Photography? At the same time, above can be your niche, so it all depends how you define your photography and style through your images.
I can continue talking & writing on this topic, but let me stop here and say, breaks the rules, make your own rules and the learnings of the way will define your own style and you may not even realize that you have established a style & the rules that others way want to follow.