Every geography in the world offer different climate & environment for different kinds of birds to find their native place. A lot depends upon the weather, wind pressure, wet/dry lands, natural habitat etc. That's one of the main reason that we see different kinds of birds in different parts of the world. The bird habitat changes within the distance of 100 miles as well or even less. During this visit, I wanted to pay attention to some of these winged wonders around me and click, if possible. All these birds are clicked during my recent visit to California in USA.
Above one is probably Aleutian Cackling Goose. Some of these keep walking around our Redwood City office and there is a small water stream near our office, where they can be seen enjoying water splashes on each other. Usually they are calm but not very friendly and little shy. Whenever they notice humans coming on their way, they change their way.
Melozone fusca birds were seen while I was going for hiking towards Edgewood Park from Redwood City. We saw a lot of them, but most of them were sitting on the electricity wires which were quite high and I didn't have appropriate zoom lens for clicking bird photograph at that distance. Above photograph is cropped version but came out ok.
Orchard Oriole...
Somehow this visit to California was pretty dull and I didn't feel like going around or clicking photographs. All these bird photographs are clicked in one day when I planned to walk around during Saturday.
Abert's Towhee gave me lot of poses while I was relaxing in Red Morton Community Park in Redwood City. She came pretty close to us and that's why I could click a relatively clearer shot. And she was fearlessly picking stuff from the grass area.
White-winged Junco (I am not sure if this has been identified correctly or not). This one was also seen around Red Morton Community Park.
Say's Phoebe - These birds were seen in groups and usually in sunlight. During the sunset, most of them were sitting around the roof-tops and moving as the direction of last rays of the sunlight were disappearing.
Eastern Kingbird is common around Redwood City and I have noticed her on various trees with fruits. It's hard to locate them as they have a tendency of going deep inside the branches to find better fruits.