Time is currency these days and if you unable to optimize ROI (return on investment) of your time, then it would be extremely hard to standout in the crowd & create different equity for yourself. Specifically as a blogger, if you are not innovating or figuring out ways of generating more value of time you spend on blogging activities it's hard to shine or even survive.
During my blogging journey I have gone through various phases with extremely happy moments when I felt like a star and on the other extreme, phases wherein I felt like I have been wasting my time for so many years. All this depends upon various things and choices you make on your journey. One thing which consistently came across is focus on efficiency. As a blogger, you may be creating brilliant and top quality content but if there is not enough visibility of that content, it may not be good ROI of efforts you spent on creating the content. So marketing your content is equally important.
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Now it comes to how to divide time between different blogging activities - thinking about topics of your blogposts, creating a blog-post plan, compiling content, doing blogging platform related changes or any tool related stuff, sharing this blog-post on different social media etc. The list may vary on the basis of personal strategy of a blogger. The common point remains the same that everyone has same amount of time and that time has to be divided into identified activities and with time some of the activities may demand even more time on continuous basis. There can be multiple ways to deal with that, but acknowledging the need is first step in this journey.
Now that you know about the need of time to justice to all identified blogging activities, you need to find alternates and some of those can be hiring more people or interns to do certain activities or find tools which can save time for you. Or probably come to terms that you don't have more time and don't want to think more on this. Probably you desire would always be to do better everyday without more investment in terms of hiring people because that's not only hiring cost but about finding great fits who align with your taste. Hiring someone for blogging activities is very different than hiring for other jobs.
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There are plenty of free or cheap tools available to automate lot of your blogging activities. In this post I don't intend to share these tools because of various reasons, but if I see the need I would probably compile a separate post about Blogging tools to improve efficiency or ROI of time you spend on blogging. I have learned in a forced fashion as I am not a full time blogger and have a full-time job which demands significant time of my weekdays. Anyways, that's not important here :)
Let's focus on Blog marketing aspects and how smart automation can help you in big way. As a blogger you would want to serve your blogposts to right audience at right frequency and at right time. Let me try to explain with an example - After India my blog gets most traffic from United States and traffic to a travel blog during weekdays is very different from Friday/Saturday/Sunday and that too depends a lot of seasons & regions etc. When you think of all these factors, you may conclude that you want to share about San Francisco during some specific days and that too during US day time.
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For above activity, either you go to different social media tools or registries to schedule individual posts because sharing them live yourself in US time-zone is impractical. Tools like IFTTT can be helpful in some use-cases but not all. Now you need more advanced ones which can manage all your social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc. Even then you would want a tool which can manage this whole thing through provided feeds. We can keep going on this front, but hope you understood the main point.
As of today, relevant blogposts are shared on different social media platforms at the frequency of 2hrs and a post from my blog is being shared at least once in an hour, all automatically no matter if I am sleeping at that point of time or in a meeting or doing something else. Conscious efforts of automating your marketing strategy can yield much better results as far as you distinguish between targeted marketing and spamming. So go find your best automation tools and save some time for doing some better things in blogging or in life.
Till you find right set of tools for yourself, use your weekend time to pre-schedule things to reach out your social media platforms.
Looking forward to more questions/suggestions through comments section below.