Khajuraho one day Itinerary - How to spend a day around this World Heritage City of Madhya Pradesh in best way ?
Many times it happens that we are in a particular region and some extra time in hand to explore. So if you are around Khajuraho town of Madhya Pradesh and only have one day for exploraing the place, I am attemping to list down details itenreray here with details like, when to start, where to go, where to eat, what to skip even if it sounds tempting and why, and the most importantly must epxlore places. Certainly perferences may change on the basis of your interests and we shall also cover that in the end of the blogpost.
Let’s get started. Let me share the exact things to explore in a day at Khajuraho first and then we will share the exact sequence of things to do in Khajuraho to make best use of your time and explore it in much better way. So you should only do 2 things in one day at Khauraho : 1. Explore Western group of Temples in Khajuraho which is most beautiful set of temples in the town and very well maintained by Archeological Survey of India. 2. Raneh Fall, which is not only a waterfall but offers great forest experience, wildlife, nature walks around The Ken river and it’s canyon which has different kinds of huge rocks in 5 distinct colours.
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Next thing to know is what all are you skipping when you explore only these 2 things in Khajuraho and let me explain each of those with reasoning. I am doing it so that you know my reasons and that may not align with your priorities. If it happens, you should skip this blogpost and create your own plan.
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- 1. Khajuraho has more temples apart from it’s western group of temples and they are spread across different directions of the town. Most of the them are not so well maintained and smaller in comparison to what you will see in western clusture of temples. Architecture is also similar. Now this can be interesting for someone who wants to explore all temples along with understanding history & thought process associated with these temples. If you are that person, you simply forget about the Raneh falls and have a guide for full day exploration of these temples in Khajuraho town.
- 2. You may read about water ponds/lakes of Khajuraho. First of all you will anyway see them because they will be on your way and second they are not very well maintained. For clicing some photographs you can take a quick stop, click photographs and move on. That should be easily feasible.
- There is a Jain Temple in Khajuraho, which is nice and is suitable for folks who are religious. It’s active jai temple along with some beautiful architecture inside. The one temple with different architecture inside Jain temple complex is also similar to other temples you will see in Western group of Temples in Khajuraho.
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Now let’s focus on 1 Day Itenrary of Khajuraho, we recommend :
- So if you can start your day early, you should start with visiting Raneh Falls, the canyon around Ken river with 5 coloured rocks and nature walks/drive. Why do I say that when we are talking about Khajuraho which is popular for it’s temples? Short answer is that you can explore Khajuraho temples in second half of the day and if you go to Raneh fall in the second half you lose the opportunity to find colourful birds & more wilflide. Going to Raneh Falls in early morning increases your chances of finding birds in the forest.
- What to expect at Raneh Fall, road condition and expenses involved?
- You need to drive for 20 kms to reach entry of Rahen fall, which takes 40 mins as this road is narrow but well built.
- When you reach entry gate, you will be charges 300 Rs for 4 wheeler. Charges are different for different vehicles. If you are not driving, you can take auto-rickshaw and entry charges for that are 200 Rs. Since it’s huge area to explore, you need to take vehicle inside to enjoy it well. That’s not even optional.
- You will also be charged 125 Rs for mandatory guide.
- Then you drive into the forest and reach a spot where you hand over the guide slip and a guide tag along with you. This person takes you to different places inside the forest to show Ken River, Wildlife, Trees, Birds, Colourful Canyon and finally the waterfall. It’s a lovely forest where you will also see spotted deers, sambhars, birds etc.
- You can also take a nature walk trails if time permits, but recommended is to go to all places guide shows here. It may take 2 hours to explore all these things at Rahen.
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- After exploring Raneh Falls, you can head back to the Western Group of Temples which is in city center of Khajuraho. If it’s lunch time, you can have lunch at “Raja's Cafe” which is in front of the entry gate of Western Group of Temples in Khajuraho. There are more options to eat around this place, but this is the one we tried during our trip and we liked in terms of food quality, ambience and location. We will compile another blogpost with recommendation of 3 places to enjoy delicious & diverse meals.
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3. After enjoying your meal, contiue your exploration of main thing in Khajuraho - Western group of temples.
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4. If you have time before light & sound show, you can explore nearby market if interested in shopping to buying souvenirs. If not, walk to the lake to enjoy sunset and other option is to walk to Chausathyogini temple from where great sunset views can be enjoyed.
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4. Now it's time to head back to Western Temples complex to conclude your day with Light & Sound show in Amitabh Bachman's voice.
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5. For dinner, you can visit Badri Seth Marwadi bhoj to enjoy their Marwadi thali. You can also enjoy other Indian food options and have enough space.
That's how I will recommend spending a day in Khajuraho. Please share your thoughts or questions through comments section of form on right side and we assure to respond back within 24 hours.
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Let me share some important tips when you are exploring Khajuraho.
Car Parking Tips when you are in Khajuraho : Khajuraho town has different parking places and you have to buy only one ticket of 50 rs for a day and just show that ticket. Above photograph is not of any parking slot but inside Raneh fall forest.
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Tips for eating in Khajuraho :
We recommend Raja's Cafe and Badri Seth Marwadi Thali. If you are looking for breakfast options and like paranthas, Lassi corner run by Zahir is a good option and all these places are at walking distance around main Khajuraho town and Western group of temples.
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Tips for chosing a hotel/resort/homestay to stay in Khajuraho :
1. The best place to stay is around Western Group of temples. Most of the things are at walkable distance in this area including main temples, places to eat, shops etc.
2. We stayed in Golden Tulip and used to walk from there to the market & temples. On the basis of our experience, we certainly recommend Golden Tulip for comfortable stay with clean & hygienic rooms. We will share a detailed hotel in another blogpost.
3. If you are going to Khajuraho in your own car, you can also chose to stay other hotels/homestays. I love walking, so we prefer to stay at places from where key things can be accessed on walk. We were also driving but took out our car only for Raneh falls and exploring some of the other temple groups of Khajuraho, which I haven't recommended for one day trip.
Yes, Khajuraho is wonderful. As are other cities that all of us are yet to explore. Abhi to bohot kuch hai dekhne ke liye and experience karne ke liye. Woh din beet gaye, but naye din aane hain...