Let Travellingcamera.com community help you create itinerary for your next trip, as per your preferences and just pay 99 Rs, if you like it !
A lot of our readers/followers/friends reach out to plan their next trips, whether it's about choosing right destination as per time of the year, hotels to stays in, ways to commute, tips of manage the trip within budget or key places to check out or skip, appropriate places to enjoy good food etc. and at times the questions are even more specific. And we love talking on these topics. At times we don't know all the answers but we love exploring those answers through our community or other wonderful sources available. And we are proud to claim that this is one of our core skill to understand the need and make most relevant suggestions. So let's explore what we intend to do here, why and what's the larger goal.
How does it work?
1. We will ask some basic questions from you and on the basis of that we will do our first preparation.
2. After that we may setup a call to discuss it in detail and intent is to better align with preferences.
3. We will create an itinerary and may do few iterations together to make it perfect for you.
4. Above all, idea is to enjoy this whole process together and create something meaningful.
Why Travellingcamera team should spend time on someone else's itinerary, as it's time taking activity?
1. We love doing it.
2. It will also create a very good content for Travellingcamera. So each itinerary will go online with appropriate details.
3. Purpose is to do meaningful engagement with like minded folks and build even stronger community.
If Travellingcamera is going to publish these itinerary's why are we charging 99 Rs?
1. We are charging a lot more than 99 rs. Apart from 99 Rs, we are also asking you to follow us on our social media handles.
2. If it's a concern for you, don't pay us but let us create a wonderful itinerary for you :).
3. And the reason is that when something is offered for free, people take it for granted. Is 99 rs good enough amount solve that. We are not sure :), but want to try out.
What will you do with this money?
1. All this money will go to someone who needs it and Travellingcamera doesn't intend to use anything from this money.
2. and you are welcome to tip, if you really like the itinerary we create for you.
How can other travellers participate in this?
1. There can be multiple ways you can help.
2. If someone looks for itinerary of a place where you have been to, you can be the best person to guide.
3. Anything else you may want to do, please share through comments section.
Do you have more questions? Please drop them in comments section below.