Exploring Puga Hot Springs: A Hidden Gem in Ladakh’s Rugged Wilderness

Ladakh, often referred to as the "Land of High Passes," is a region of unparalleled beauty and stark contrasts. From towering mountains and pristine lakes to ancient monasteries and remote villages, Ladakh offers a treasure trove of experiences for intrepid travelers. Among its many hidden gems, the Puga Hot Springs stand out as a unique natural wonder, offering a rare glimpse into the geothermal activity of this high-altitude desert.

Located in the remote Changthang region of Ladakh, Puga Hot Springs is a destination that promises not only a soothing experience in its mineral-rich waters but also an adventurous journey through some of the most rugged and awe-inspiring landscapes in the world. Here’s a detailed guide to exploring Puga Hot Springs and the challenging path to reach this secluded spot.

Located in the remote Changthang region of Ladakh, Puga Hot Springs is a destination that promises not only a soothing experience in its mineral-rich waters but also an adventurous journey through some of the most rugged and awe-inspiring landscapes in the world. Here’s a detailed guide to exploring Puga Hot Springs and the challenging path to reach this secluded spot.

The Geothermal Marvel of Puga Hot Springs  Puga Hot Springs is situated in the Puga Valley, a part of the greater Changthang plateau in eastern Ladakh. This area is renowned for its geothermal activity, and Puga is considered one of the most significant geothermal regions in India. The hot springs in Puga Valley are the result of underground geothermal activity, where water heated by the Earth's core rises to the surface, creating natural hot springs.

The Geothermal Marvel of Puga Hot Springs

Puga Hot Springs is situated in the Puga Valley, a part of the greater Changthang plateau in eastern Ladakh. This area is renowned for its geothermal activity, and Puga is considered one of the most significant geothermal regions in India. The hot springs in Puga Valley are the result of underground geothermal activity, where water heated by the Earth's core rises to the surface, creating natural hot springs.

The landscape here is very unusual. You can see grassy mounds rising out like islands in water. These mounds could sustain our weight, and from where we stood, it seemed that we would be able to hop from mound to mound to get to the geyser. So we started the hops. It was fun. However, we had only gone a few meters when the mounds started becoming more and more far apart. And soon, we saw that if we had to go any further, we would need to remove our shoes and step into the water, which looked shallow enough.

The hot springs are rich in minerals such as sulfur, and the water temperature can vary significantly across different pools. The therapeutic properties of these mineral-rich waters are believed to provide relief from various ailments, including joint pains and skin conditions. The surreal landscape surrounding the springs, with its multicolored earth, steam rising from the ground, and the stark contrast of the arid plateau, adds to the mystical allure of this place.

The Journey to Puga Hot Springs: An Adventurous Expedition  Reaching Puga Hot Springs is not for the faint of heart. The journey involves traversing some of the most challenging and remote roads in Ladakh, but the reward at the end makes it all worthwhile. Here’s a step-by-step guide to reaching Puga Hot Springs:

The Journey to Puga Hot Springs: An Adventurous Expedition

Reaching Puga Hot Springs is not for the faint of heart. The journey involves traversing some of the most challenging and remote roads in Ladakh, but the reward at the end makes it all worthwhile. Here’s a step-by-step guide to reaching Puga Hot Springs:


1. Starting Point: Leh

The journey to Puga Hot Springs typically begins in Leh, the capital of Ladakh and the region's primary hub. Leh is well-connected by air and road, making it the most convenient starting point for your adventure. Spend a couple of days in Leh to acclimatize to the high altitude, as the journey ahead involves traversing even higher altitudes.

2. The Route: Leh to Tanglang La

From Leh, the first major leg of your journey takes you along the Leh-Manali Highway (NH3). This stretch of the journey offers breathtaking views of the Indus Valley, with the road gradually climbing toward the high-altitude pass of Tanglang La. At an elevation of 5,328 meters (17,480 feet), Tanglang La is one of the highest motorable passes in the world.

Rose Finch was a beautiful bird. Even though we couldn't make it to the geyser, I would stay that the stop at Puga was worth it.

The ascent to Tanglang La is steep, with numerous hairpin bends and rugged terrain. The air gets thinner as you climb, and the landscape becomes increasingly barren, with snow-capped peaks dominating the horizon. At the top of Tanglang La, take a moment to soak in the panoramic views before beginning the descent into the Changthang region.

3. Tanglang La to Debring: Entering the Changthang Plateau

As you descend from Tanglang La, the road leads you to Debring, a small settlement on the vast Changthang plateau. This region is characterized by its high-altitude plains, where nomadic Changpa herders graze their livestock, including yaks and pashmina goats. The landscape here is otherworldly, with vast expanses of arid land stretching out in every direction, punctuated by distant mountains.

From Debring, you will leave the Leh-Manali Highway and take a rough, less-traveled road that leads deeper into the Changthang plateau. This is where the journey becomes more challenging, as the roads are often unpaved, rocky, and prone to landslides.

4. Navigating the Tough Path to Puga Valley

The road to Puga Valley is one of the most rugged and remote in Ladakh. It is essential to travel in a sturdy 4x4 vehicle, preferably with an experienced driver who is familiar with the terrain. The journey from Debring to Puga Valley is about 60 kilometers, but due to the road conditions, it can take several hours to cover this distance.

The route takes you through a landscape that seems almost Martian in its desolation, with stark, barren mountains, high-altitude deserts, and the occasional sighting of wildlife such as kiangs (wild asses) and marmots. The road is often narrow, with steep drops on one side, and requires careful navigation.

As you approach Puga Valley, the terrain becomes even more surreal. The ground is dotted with fumaroles (openings in the Earth's crust that emit steam and gases) and hot springs, creating a landscape that appears to be alive with geothermal activity. The air is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, and steam rises from the earth, giving the area an almost mystical atmosphere.

Arriving at Puga Hot Springs: A Soothing Reward  After the challenging journey, arriving at Puga Hot Springs feels like discovering an oasis in the middle of a desolate wilderness. The hot springs are scattered across a wide area, with pools of varying sizes and temperatures. Some of the springs are hot enough to boil an egg, while others are more temperate and suitable for bathing.

Arriving at Puga Hot Springs: A Soothing Reward

After the challenging journey, arriving at Puga Hot Springs feels like discovering an oasis in the middle of a desolate wilderness. The hot springs are scattered across a wide area, with pools of varying sizes and temperatures. Some of the springs are hot enough to boil an egg, while others are more temperate and suitable for bathing.

You can soak in the warm, mineral-rich waters of the hot springs, allowing the heat to soothe your muscles after the long and bumpy ride. The therapeutic properties of the springs are believed to provide relief from various ailments, and the experience of bathing in these natural pools, surrounded by the stark beauty of the Changthang plateau, is truly unforgettable.

Exploring the Surroundings: A Geothermal Wonderland

The Puga Valley is not just about the hot springs; it is a geothermal wonderland with much to explore. The valley is part of a larger geothermal field, with numerous fumaroles, mud pools, and hot springs scattered across the area. The ground is rich in minerals, and the earth takes on a variety of colors, from deep reds and oranges to pale yellows and whites.

As you explore the valley, you’ll come across bubbling mud pools, where the earth seems to be boiling from within, and steaming fumaroles that vent gases from deep underground. The landscape is dotted with mineral deposits, creating a rainbow of colors that contrast sharply with the surrounding barren mountains.

Practical Tips for Visiting Puga Hot Springs

Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Puga Hot Springs is between June and September, when the weather is relatively mild and the roads are accessible. During the winter months, heavy snowfall makes the region nearly inaccessible.

Acclimatization: The high altitude of Puga Valley (over 4,400 meters) means that proper acclimatization is essential. Spend a few days acclimatizing in Leh or other lower-altitude areas before embarking on the journey to Puga.

Permits: An Inner Line Permit (ILP) is required to visit the Changthang region, including Puga Valley. These permits can be obtained in Leh.

Travel Essentials: Given the remote location and lack of facilities, it’s important to carry all essential supplies with you, including food, water, warm clothing, and a first-aid kit. There are no shops or medical facilities in Puga Valley, so come prepared.

Respect for Nature: Puga Hot Springs is a fragile natural environment, so it’s important to respect the surroundings. Avoid leaving any litter behind, and be mindful of the delicate geothermal features.

Anyway, soon we reached Sumdo and took a left from here. In a few minutes we were close to Puga, and could see the geyser spouting steam and hot water in the distance. The walk from the road to the geyser looked easy enough. But Norbu warned us that this was marshy land and it is difficult to cross. He told about the time when he had crossed it. "I was sucked down till my waist," he mentioned. "So cross this if you want to, but at your own risk."

Visiting Puga Hot Springs is more than just a trip to a natural hot spring; it’s an expedition into one of the most remote and rugged corners of Ladakh. The journey to Puga is challenging, but for those who make the effort, the rewards are immense. From the surreal landscapes of the Changthang plateau to the soothing waters of the hot springs, Puga offers a unique and unforgettable experience that few travelers get to enjoy.

Whether you’re drawn by the promise of adventure, the allure of the geothermal wonders, or simply the desire to explore one of the last great wildernesses on Earth, Puga Hot Springs is a destination that will leave you in awe of the raw, untamed beauty of Ladakh.

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